Susan Isla Tepper is a twenty-year writer and the author of 11 published books of fiction and poetry and 5 stage plays. She has been nominated 21 times for the Pushcart Prize in both fiction and poetry. Her play ‘The Crooked Heart’ concerning artist Jackson Pollock premiered on October 25, 2022 at the Irish Repertory Theatre in NYC. Adapted from an earlier novel, it was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Another play, LADY IN A POST BOX, co-written with poet and writer Ciaran O’Driscoll is moving toward production in Ireland. Her third play, 28 MARVIN AVENUE is making the rounds. Her satirical Novel OFFICE was re-printed as a Second Edition. A new Novel will be out in the winter. Susan is a Brand Ambassador for The Galway Review.

Next Time Love Me Twice

Dreams are running
to black without shading
or any discernible outline.
I stumble from sleep
reaching— barefoot,
groping the railing
that takes me down—
Convinced it’s no mistake
this precarious pit
tho’ you insist otherwise:
You say Look at this joy
made just for you to feast on.
I cannot feast
any more than someone
starved for a year.
You unable to grasp my condition.
Next time love me twice.

Digby Beaumont, Wildflowers, acrylic on paper.

Digby Beaumont is an award-winning artist. His artwork has been published extensively in collaboration with writers of fiction, poetry and music. Much of his current work combines screen printing with acrylic painting and pen and ink drawing. His subjects include portraits, figures, urban scenes and still lifes. His work often suggests narrative. He also has a pen and ink series entitled I Don’t Know What Came Over Me, a whimsical take on what it is to be human. Digby is also a widely published writer. His stories and poetry have appeared in more than 100 magazines and anthologies, including The Best Small Fictions. Previously, as a textbook author, he had numerous publications, including international best sellers.